Dominican Life and Mission
It is the vocation and the charism of the Order of Preachers from the beginning to work for the “salvation of souls” by preaching, to proclaim the Gospel. The love for preaching is the hallmark of all the branches of our Order, commonly called Dominicans.
Today we are discovering more and more the importance of its family dimension where women and men, lay people and clerics, can be united to collaborate in the evangelical mission, belonging to communities where they are equal, respectful of differences but united by faith. Our efforts to grow as a family are themselves real aspects of our preaching. Thus Dominican preaching is not clerical all brachings of the Dominican family preaches.
Our life aids in the mission of preaching. There are four essential elements to Dominican life: prayer, study, regular observance (community), and the preaching ministry. The community bears witness to the Gospel we preach and teach, together with prayer and study, becomes a vital source of our preaching ministry.
Elements of Dominican Life
Dominicans do not have any special method of prayer but follow Dominic, whose prayer is “always simple, always ecclesial”. fr Bede Jarrett OP once said that if prayer is regimented and “reduced to hard and fast rules”, then “all adventure is gone, all the personal touches, and all the contemplation. We are too worried and harassed to think of God.” Consequently, Dominican prayer is simple and has as its goal “the contemplation of divine truth, and personal conversation and friendship with God” (LCO 66 § I).